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Broken Pottery Craft

Life In Texas: Broken Pottery Craft

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Broken Pottery Craft

     My mom died in May. One of the things that Mom enjoyed was pottery purchased from Luling Icehouse Pottery. She had several pieces that had sentimental value to the child that was with her when it was purchased. The one piece that my little sister wanted was a chip and dip bowl. That was no problem. My sister, being a university student, doesn't have a lot of room (or want) to store valuables in her apartment style dorm room. Therefore, she was leaving a lot of her stuff at my house. No problem. When she left to go back to school in August, I assumed that all of her breakable possessions we put away, out of a child's reach. Long story short, Thing 2 accidentally knocked over the box that the chip and dip bowl was in, causing it to shatter into many, many pieces. I called my sister, crying, to tell her and she said to just throw it away. I had other plans. After I calmed down, I started looking for ways to reuse the pieces of the bowl. I thought that if she couldn't have a functional pottery piece, she could at least have the pieces.

     What I came up with was to set the pieces in concrete in a mosaic style. Since it was Mom's, I decided on a cross shape. Below is the tutorial of how I went from a broken bowl to a beautiful decorative cross.

   Broken Pottery
   2x4 (or smaller board, depending on desired size)
   Metal Wire (chicken wire or something similar)
   Plastic drop cloth to protect work site

     Start by building your mold. I wanted a cross, so we drew it out and cut out the plywood backing. Then, we measured the 2x4 and cut the pieces to the appropriate sizes. Lastly, we nailed the 2x4 pieces to the plywood.

     Next, use the pencil and paper to draw out the shape. Make sure that it is the exact size as you intend your finished product to be. Then using your screwdriver and hammer, break any larger pieces down to the desired size. Arrange the pieces on the paper as a rough plan of what your final product will look like.

     Now, cut the metal support so that it fits inside your mold. This is going to help hold the cement together and prevent it from breaking. Since my final product was going to be large (about 11.5" long, 8.5" wide and 1.5" thick), I used 2 separate metal supports.

     Make sure that your mold, metal supports, and pottery pieces are all close by. Use a plastic drop cloth to protect your work site. I also put a Rubbermaid tote lid on top of the drop cloth and then put my mold on top of that. 

    Now for the fun part. Mix your concrete according to the package directions. It is important that you use concrete and not Quikrete or other fast drying concretes. Once it's mixed, fill the mold roughly 1/3 of the way. Put in your first metal support. Pour more concrete until it's about 2/3 full. Put in your second metal support. Now fill the mold to the desired depth. Carefully, place your pottery pieces into the concrete. Note: You may have to push down while moving the piece back and forth to get it to set into the concrete. Just be careful not to break them!

     When all of your pieces are where you want them, leave the mold somewhere where it won't get bumped and nothing can get into it (animals, kids, bugs, etc.). If you're worried about something falling in it, you can use the plastic drop cloth to cover it.

     In about 2 days, your concrete will be completely dry. Once it has dried, use a hammer to gently remove the mold from around the piece. Note: If there were cracks where your board pieces met, you may need to use a piece of sand paper to smooth the edges and get rid of any excess concrete.
    When it's all done, everyone will be surprised that you went from this:

     To this:

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At January 26, 2012 at 7:44 PM , Blogger Alan said...

Very nice work, it's beautiful. I also like what you've done with your blog. It looks very nice now.

At January 26, 2012 at 7:46 PM , Blogger Kallie Greenly said...

Thank you!

And thanks for noticing! ;-)


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