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Christmas is...

Life In Texas: Christmas is...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas is...

     Christmas is in full swing at my house! We have our tree up and there are even presents under it! Better than that, after I order my step-moms gift, I will be completely done Christmas shopping.

     It wasn't easy deciding on what to get everyone. I'm not going to give away too much here, but there are some big boxes under my tree! And they aren't gifts that are going to live at my house.

     My girls got a trampoline for Christmas (in October). But there was only one other thing that Thing 2 was asking for. The only other thing that she wanted was to get her ears pierced. So, after Scout and I discussed it (read: After I convinced Scout that it would be ok), we took her to get her ears pierced.

     Walking through the mall, Thing 2 was sing-songing "I'm gettin' my ears pierced! I'm gettin' my ears pierced!" We walk into Claire's and she says "I don't want my ears pierced!!!" So I, being the mean wonderful mommy that I am, told the employee, "I want to try anyway because I think she's just anxious. If she starts freaking out too much, then we can reconsider." The lady said that it was fine and that we could even hold her down if she needed to. Yikes! I assured her that we wouldn't go that far. Then, we filled out and signed out all the waivers and Thing 2 picked out the earrings that she wanted. She selected beautiful, 14K gold, pink flowers.

     When it was time to actually pierce them, I held Thing 2 in my lap. They pierced both ears at the same time (at my request). She did great! She jumped a little after the earrings were through her ears, but she didn't cry at all. She did want to touch them, but we stopped her and handed her a mirror so that she could see. She was (and still is) so proud! She kept telling Thing 1 (who is terrified to get her ears pierced) that, "It was just a little pinch!" Before we left, they gave Thing 2 a lollipop and a sticker. She also got to carry "her" shopping bag.

     She won't sit still long enough for me to get a picture of her earrings, but here is a picture of her proud smile. She keeps asking everyone "Do you like my pretty earrings?"

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At December 15, 2011 at 11:58 AM , Blogger Alan said...

She is too stinkin' adorable! Both of my girls cried a little when they had theirs, but they weren't even 2 when they got them.

At January 26, 2012 at 7:42 PM , Blogger Kallie Greenly said...



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